This whole recent interest in muscle trucks has us thinking that we’d love to have one. In typical fashion we want to go a slightly different direction than the stuff we’ve seen on the web and in the pages of the magazines.
Rather than the typical ’73-’87 Chevy or GMC we’re going for a vintage 1965 Ford F100. This thing is the perfect place to start on the build like we’re envisioning. Because it’s got no rust and a wimpy straight-6 that’ll be yanked in seconds there’s no worrying about patching floors, body panels, or the bed floor and no having to even consider wrenching on the stock mill.
We want to go all FE on this thing. A 427 topped with an 8-71 and backd by a a beefed AOD would be just fine with us. No big tubs and huge Pro Street meats in the back, maybe just a little massage of the wheel wells to fit a pair of 10.5Ws.
Paint? Nah.
Click here to check out the vintage Ford!