Craigslist finds always seem to have more totally off the wall charm than similar things on eBay or RacingJunk. There’s a certain down home nature to the stuff we find or are tipped off to on CL that we dig. BangShifter and pal Ron Ward tipped us off to this 1977 Ford home built monster truck that he somehow stumbled across while trolling for junk. We want it badly. Why? It reeks of awesome early monster era goodness. The steel body with a stock wheelbase, the light bar (with most of the lights present and potentially none of them working), the huge white wheels, the lack of any discernible safety equipment, and four wheel steering make this dreamy.
Since it has four wheel steer, we are going to guess that there are Rockwell top loader axles living under this truck. The driveshaft angles seem to indicate that too as “regular” axles would probably have the shafts at much steeper angles both front and back. We’re not crazy about the agricultural “turf” style tires, but they’re about the right size to complete the look and those big honking wheels give us googly eyes.
The engine is a 400M, which sucks pretty bad, because 400Ms weighed a ton, made nearly negative horsepower, and the engine is now several feet in the air so doing anything with it would require major pain in the ass work. You know our history around here with big old trucks and this thing is way bigger than any we have owned, so doing engine service, unless you wanted to stand on the roof of your shed would probably be a giant pain in the backside.
Is it street legal? Probably not on this planet. Does it have two flamethrowers that appear to have the strength of a Bic lighter? You bet your ass it does.
The guy will take property in trade. Hmmm, perhaps a pitch on some oceanfront real estate in Nebraska is in order.
Thanks for the tip Ron!
Scroll down to see the photos and then hit the link!
HEY! the 400M wiped EMC for several years!! Okay, it wasn’t stock and some guy named Kaase’s team built it.
77’s had behind the seat tanks still? Huh. My memory has gone soft.
The only reason not to get this truck would be because you have not gone through puberty. It rules.
Where’s the CL ad – where’s the truck at?
Beags, 77 was the last year for the “Highboy” F250s, hence the last year for the in-cab tanks. It was also the first year for the 351M/400 motors.
That truck was sitting on state road 37 between marion and elwood indiana for the longest time last fall/winter. Sometime early this summer it was moved, really cool looking truck in person. I passed it everyday to/from work and occasionally drooled over it
I now own this truck……and yes… is awesome.
For real?
If so, I would love to do a follow up on it — email me to [email protected]!