When the title of a Craigslist ad reads,”1984 Tri Muler one of a kind not many of these around” you know it is going to be good. We looked high and low for information regarding the “Tri Muler” corporation but found nothing. Sure, the seller says that this thing is “all factory” right down to its “18hp two cylinder racing engine”, but how are we to really know? Was there a non-racing 9hp engine? Did people actually race these things? Does the seller know that by claiming something as one of a kind, mentioning the fact that there aren’t many around is pretty redundant? Doesn’t tri-muler sound like a bad guy from a James Bond movie?
Look, don’t you dare worry for a second about rust. This baby is all ‘glass, so the old rust worm need not apply. Sure, you’ll need to spend the rest of your natural days block sanding the body to get it nice enough for paint, but who cares? Its just your life, right? Know what color we’d paint this thing? Two options in our book. The first is invisible and the second is fire. Fire would be a temporary color because it would actually be on fire and melting. Are you hung up on this three wheeled peener looking thing not being practical? The seller has the ammo to defeat that stupid argument with this zinger, “comes with air condition”. Boom goes the dynamite.
We don’t know if the hatch that’s open in the rear is the trunk, engine compartment, or a place for this thing to swallow another unsuspecting victim. The very idea that there is a “racing engine” in this contraption and then thinking about a racing series featuring these is enough to drive us into hysterics. Think about 10-20 18hp three wheeler hatch things sputtering and farting around Daytona or something and a pair of TV announcers trying to spice up the action. Mother of mercy it is high comedy. Was this the inspiration for the delta wing?
Has anyone else heard of this company? If we had the $1400 asking price we’d buy it as some sort of mercy killing.
CL AD LINK: 1984 Tri Muler one of a kind not many of these around
Funny, I look at that and my first thought is “That’s probably the smallest frontal area I’ve ever seen on a car, I wonder what Bonneville class this would fit into?”
Then I realize that with 3 wheels, it would actually be a high drag motorcycle at Bonneville.
These three wheelers look like more fun:
Chevy Astro III tribute possibly???
18HP and Air Conditioning? How can I go wrong!
Now that body modified to fit on an old digger chassis with big rear-mounted power . . . on the street . . . anyone else seeing it?
I was going to mock this idea, until I looked at the thing again and it reminded me of Nye Frank’s “Pulsator” dragster. Check this out –
What you are looking at is a “Trumuter”. You can buy plans for it for $95 from Robert Q Riley enterprises.
You build it yourself, fiberglass lay up and all.
They were never manufactured per se.
That said, I like it and think it would be a fun project.
Spelling correction: “Trimuter”…3 wheel commuter
no, I think you got it right. True ‘muter (short for mutation) or Trumuter. Somebody should buy it.
Looks like a Star Wars X-wing, with no wing.
For what it’s worth: http://www.rqriley.com/tm.html
Stealth car ………no cops radar gonna see this baby coming!
I kinda like it. I’m with The Outsider. Modify it for an old digger chassis.
Then put a big block in it and go Corvette and Viper hunting.
Well there goes that idea. My wife just said no way in hell.
Why put a big block in an 850 pound vehicle when you could use either a Mazda 2-3 rotor wankel or a turbo 4 cylinder and get performance that is just as good or better than a big block without the weight and making this little “car” dangerously unstable?
You said “wankel”…
Yes, Wankel, not wanker.
With an old digger chassis it would be unstable as it would have 4 wheels.
The should be it wouldn’t be unstable.
I have a suspicion that the “air condition” is the missing front and driver’s windows. Boom, indeed. I’d pay fifty bucks for it and let the kids play around with it.
I’m thinking a hopped up Hayabusa engine would make that thing a blast. In a straight line. Even with the wide rear track, I dont see it turning corners very quick.
I remember these. Mid 70’s early 80’s maybe. Saw them in a popular science mag. I’ll try and find it. I dont remember tri-muiler though.
It’s called a TRIMUTER and here is the link. http://www.rqriley.com/tm.html
My first thought was “My Favorite Marsion”