
the car junkie daily magazine.


eBay Find: A Bizarre 1933 Ford Pickup Made Completely of Teak Wood

eBay Find: A Bizarre 1933 Ford Pickup Made Completely of Teak Wood

The 1970s were a strange time. New cars were all total crap, gasoline was stupid expensive, inflation was hauling ass, and people were building classic cars out of wood. We’ve seen more than one wooden car in our time trolling eBay over the years but this creation, a 1933 Ford truck set on a 1970 Opel chassis is the weirdest one yet. It seems like something an old man would have built in his spare time for no reason other than the fact he really liked to drink and work with wood.

The truck is being sold by a dealer in Indiana who believes that it is the only wooden 1933 Ford truck on an Opel chassis that was ever built. We’re actually going to believe the car dealer on this one. The motor is a 1.9L powerhouse that is in good working order and has been recently serviced. According to the ad, the truck is, ” free of leaks” and we are sure the seller took this baby for a cruise on a night rainy day.

What would one do with a wooden 1933 Ford truck? Who the hell really knows. You could cruise it, burn it, heat your house with it, use the teak to make a nice piece of furniture, or do the craziest possible thing that the dealer suggests and put it in your living room as some sort of strange display. At minimum it would be a bad ass conversation starter.

Link: A 1933 Ford truck Made of Teak

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