When Dave “Matty” Matyjasik send me a note telling me to check something out on eBay I was a little nervous. The Matty Brothers are the dudes that run the green “Timb Bomb” Camaro with the ECTA and frankly their judgment is not to be trusted. Knowing that, I took the leap anyway and was rewarded by one of the coolest things we have ever found on the massive online marketplace. This is a one of none every built 2004 GMC C5500 TopKick van. It has a five speed automatic transmission, an 8.1L gas big block all the luxuries of home inside, plenty of room in the back for cargo, and the attitude and looks of nothing else on the road. The truck was a custom build for a customer looking to tow his pair of Charger Daytonas around in a big trailer and he wanted to perform that operation in comfort. We’d like to plant one on the lips who whoever built this truck. It is just that good.
Standing a stout 96-inches tall and measuring 96-inches wide with a tip to stern length of 225-inches, it is a big rolling rectangle on wheels that probably gets deep single digit mileage when towing or when the cruise control is on and you have a tail wind but boy is it cool. The truck has 98,000 miles on it but there are copious photos showing the pristine condition that it looks to be in. The truck looks brand new, except GM killed off their medium duty truck line ages ago so we know it cannot be.
Is it wrong that we would step up a tire size to better fill out the wheel wells and really show off those polished Alcoa wheels? It needs more aggressive “all terrain” truck tires on the drive axle too, but that it just our opinion. The current asking price for the truck is $30,000 and considering it had to have been way more than $100k when it was first bought, the money sounds about right.
The interior is just like a GMC van with large captain’s chairs for both driver and passenger as well as a pair of them in the back for the two passengers you’d be carrying in the beast. There’s plenty of room behind the rear seats for whatever you want to load in there (with a fork truck). The interior seems to be in the same good condition as the exterior. Weight? This guy has got to be pushing at least 10,000lbs…maybe 15,000? Whaddya think? Does it rule? Is it dumb? Do you want it? (Sweet blessed mother of trucks we want it!)
eBay Link: A custom built and totally awesome 2004 C5500 GMC TopKick truck vanimal
Don’t be a hatr you’d drive the bomb in a second.
That would be Maty with won T…. If this was a dmax I don’t think I could pass it up.
I can just hear the conversation that precipitated this pointless mess . . . .
“Honey, I want to spend $100,000 to make our new van ride like a Class 8 semi.”
“Why? Will we be able to carry like 24,000 pounds in it?”
“No. Besides, your mom isn’t THAT FAT . . . .”
“Will we be able to bumper-pull a 50,000 trailer with it.”
“Uh . . . No. We’d need a fifth-wheel for that”
“Then what’s the point?”
“Well, it will make certain Bay State truck fanatics go ‘schwing’ . . . . ”
“Why didn’t you say so! . . . go ahead, mortgage the house and cash in the 401K . . . .”
This is a cool truck, and I realize that the dualie fenders and Topkick hood were not meant to be fit to a van body. However, is it just me or does it look like the gaps were set by Helen Keller during a seizure?
In 2003, all GM medium duty trucks (Top Kick and Kodiak) stopped using the fullsize pickup cab and began using the G van cowl, doors, windshield and roof.
Like tits on a fish….useless.
Nobody is pretending this is sensible, or even useful.
…but holy hell I want it.
This would be great for you Brian! Every gas station you stopped at and there would be many, you could look for your favorite “Ghost Fire” meat sticks!
The topkick nose works way better on the deep van body than on the pickup cab (I’m sure driver posture is more comfortable too (like a real truck that the top-kick always wishes it was) The dually fenders need some opening up as the wheel wells are too small. Cool stuff, is it a 4×4?
Sadly 2wd, ah that can be fixed
just think how many friends you would make at all the gas stations you would have to stop at to keep gas in that pig
It looks like the off spring of a brinks armored truck and a G van, I’m not feeling it. A mildly lifted van with a D max and I might get a little aroused.
I dig it. If you can afford to by or build this, you can afford the gas and a turbo. Again I dig it, 4×4 ing it would make it even better.
NO freaking way does that thing get mid double digits on fuel mileage. My gas 4500 got 10 mpg by itself, 6 mpg pulling a 10k# trailer.
cool if it had a Duramax
EH…old news…. XUV been around a while in the FORD CAMP !!!!