In the BangShift universe, we are fully behind the “go big or go home” philosophy and the dude who built this amazingly bad ass 1969 Plymouth GTX is on board with that as well. How do we know? Only someone who wanted to go all the way would take an already big car and make it appear even bigger with steamroller rear tires, a 12-71 blown hemi that makes over 1,200hp and 1,000 lb/ft of torque, add a tilt nose, and completely delete the back seat. The back seat delete was not really an option. The massive wheel tubs protrude deeply into the passenger area so unless you’re going to jam a couple of stick figures between those tubs, you may as well skip the seat.
This car was obviously done the right way. It is more of a frame off pro street style restoration than a hot rod project. The paint looks flawless, there are dozens and dozens of photos of the car on the actual eBay ad, and we had a hard time finding flaws. The construction work appears to be top shelf. The engine is a massive thing of beauty as well. Here’s what the seller says about it in the eBay ad –
12 psi boost-8.5 c/r ross pistons, milidon complete oil system with remote filter, dick landy custom roller rockers arms, isky solid cam .570/.630 lift, 320/330 duration, bds blower intake manifold, meziere electric water pump engine blue printed and balanced, solid motor mounts —- 1200hp with 1050 fp of torque- totally great street set up with no kinds of issues
The transmission is a modified five speed version of a 727. The trans was done by SMR Transmission in Ontario, Canada because that is where this car is based out of, the Ontario area. Pretty neat, eh?
The seller claims that more than $250,000 has been invested in the car to get it to the state that it is in today and frankly it doesn’t seem like that big of a stretch. Depending on how rough the started car was to begin with and then factoring in the cost of the motor, blower, and all of the stuff to go along with it, then add in chassis work, interior, and on and on and you’re climbing into the $250,000 range in a hurry. All we know is that we want it badly and would cruise it until it could be cruised no more. It looks to be amazingly well constructed and at the same time it still carries the attitude of a street brawling, strip killer. This thing is pro street to the bone and we love it!
eBay Find: A Blown, Hemi Powered, Pro Street 1969 GTX
Nicely done car, it’s always out at the local cruise nights here in the suburbs of the west end of Toronto. Sounds very bad ass!
“$250,000 has been invested . . . .” More like $225,000 has been wasted.
Sure, it’s a nice car. But you could go as quick and fast and likely draw as much (or more) ego-stroking attention at “local cruise nights” on about 1/10th of the budget.
“[W]e are fully behind the ‘go big or go home’ philosophy” . . . which BTW doesn’t really work all that well when picking women . . . Just sayin’
What does it matter ? It’s his money and he got the car he wanted.
It’s for sale, so perhaps not.
you can change your name over and over but the writing style is still the same. We all cant wait to see some of the amazing, super awesome, non ego stroking, crowd stopping automobiles you build.
And, fat chicks are like mopeds; fun to ride til your friends find out.
I like it, Pro Street still lives!
Beautiful car, obviously well built and the real deal rather than a poseur, but enough with the fake injector scoops sitting on carbs. That wasn’t cool in the 80s and it’s not cool now.
One badmofo nothing of fomoco
That post was loco