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eBay Find: An Insane Deal on an Incredible Vintage Bone Yard in Mojave, California

eBay Find: An Insane Deal on an Incredible Vintage Bone Yard in Mojave, California

We were tipped off to an amazing eBay listing for a vintage auto parts business (and dog kennel) located in Mojave, California. According to the listing, the yard covers about five acres, has been in operation since the 1950s, and includes a house on the property. In short, this person is selling BangShift heaven on Earth. We’re really stunned by the price. The whole place is on the block for a measly $60,000 bucks. A motivated owner of the yard could clear that in a couple of months. 

Here’s the rub, the place needs to be sold in the next 60 days or, in the words of the seller, the seller will probably scrap the whole yard! There’s a LOT of good stuff at this place, you can see that in the photos. Truck cabs by the dozen, even a Goliath era “big” GM truck parked next to a totally bitchin old White cab over truck. 

The seller is valuing the property based on the scrap value (200 tons of scrap at $300 per ton).

Hit the link, check the photos, and BUY THIS PLACE!

(Awesome vintage salvage yard for sale in Mojave, California) 

Vintage parts in Mojave, California

Vintage parts in Mojave, California

Vintage parts in Mojave, California 

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6 thoughts on “eBay Find: An Insane Deal on an Incredible Vintage Bone Yard in Mojave, California

  1. John

    We are selling all of the cars- trucks & parts on the property (approximately 200 tons as shown in the photos) for $300 per ton – a total of $60,000. The buyer of the salvage business is free to do what he or she likes with this metal after purchasing the business. If a buyer is not found within the next 60 days (or so), the owner will probably scrap the yard.

    Please note you do not have to lease the property to buy the parts = cars & trucks. You will have 60 days to move everything free of charge..

  2. Gary 351C

    Mojave Ca. is heaven if you like planes, trains and automobiles. I’ve been there too many times to count.

  3. thejackmfk

    it sounds like a great idea, but mojave is in the middle of nowhere desert. attracting ppl to buy anything from this place is a lot more than you think. i live in southern cal (near anaheim) and go to the desert often. there is a lot of these places out in the middle of nowhere. the only reason i know is ive had some weird cars and ive had to go far and wide to find them. ive talked to a lot of the people who run them and in the past few years seen 5 similar stories. it can be really lucritive if you put a lot of work in and know who to talk to.

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