In a story that is both sadly tragic and humorous, a 20-year old English man was killed when he attempted to jump his car off a pier and over a 30ft section of a harbor in Cornwall, England. According to the story linked below, Jamie Hocking had regularly told his friends that he would someday launch his car off the pier and over the water.
In a twist that will probably surprise no one, Hocking had consumed “about” 10 pints of lager and hard cider during a party with friends shortly before trying the jump. He was reportedly at twice the legal blood alcohol limit when the failed stunt occurred.
The pier was apparently protected by a chain, which Hocking made a couple of runs at in his Rover hatchback before breaking through on his final run. The story states that instead of taking flight like the General Lee this little Rover, “drove off the pier but toppled straight over the edge and plunged into the sea.” It may have been flight challenged because it struck a bollard on the pier, which is a steel pole-like object used to tie a boat off to. That probably put a slight hitch in the Rover’s already challenged giddy-up.
For whatever reason the guy was really hung up on making this jump. Ultimately, that fascination killed him. Just when you think stuff like this only happens in America, the world jumps up and proves you wrong.
Source — The Telegraph — Driver Died Attempting ‘Dukes of Hazzard’ Jump Across Harbor