We gave you a teaser gallery on Saturday from our trip to the Auctions American California Collector Car Auction in Burbank, and told you how much fun we had. Not “Check me out I won $150 million in the lotto two months ago!” fun, but a ton of fun nonetheless. There were about 250 cars that Daphne wanted to won on the spot, and fully 50 of those were micro cars which I now know way to much about. Keep in mind, if I stared under the hood for too long she knew exactly what I was thinking and would just say “Noo…”. She didn’t find my response of “Yes it will!” nearly as amusing as I did. It’s amazing what you could stuff a small block or LS into I’m sure. Hell, have you ever seen a stock Anglia? Tiny my friend. Tiny. You’ll find one in one of our Classics galleries later this week. We’re breaking our galleries up by type of car, but loosely.
This first full gallery is all muscle cars, street machines, and cool BangShifty stuff.