Like the title says, this is not great news. Yesterday afternoon a heavy duty storm cell made its way across the expanse of the Bonneville Salt Flats and left it in the shining, shimmering, and wet state you see it in above. That photo was taken sometime around 5:30pm Wendover time. Well, a couple hours later we checked the radar and it appears that there is another cell hammering the greater Wendover area right now as we type this (11:20pm EST). We’re not expecting another update from the SCTA until today at some time and as you are reading this, I’ll be in the one place I’ll not see it…on a plane! As of right now, the best case scenario is that racing will start on Sunday and the rest of the week will roll on from there. Worst case? Let’s not talk about that.
Here’s the official word from the SCTA and below that, a screen shot of the weather system smashing Wendover as this was written –
Bonneville Salt Report Wednesday, August 6th @ 5:23PM:
The Bonneville Salt Flats experienced a flash cell that came over within the last hour. This storm left additional water on the BSF that had been drying nicely. Therefore the SCTA has decided to delay all activities one full day. Inspection will be held Friday with the first racing day now scheduled for Sunday the 10th. Please do not use the access road as you will simply be turned around. The SCTA will provide an update tomorrow afternoon with current information on the condition of the BSF. We apologize for the delay but Mother Nature has thrown us a curve. We still believe that the event will occur based upon the current weather forecast.
-Scott Andrews
SCTA President
Little wet out there……