
the car junkie daily magazine.


Car Show Gallery: The 24th Annual Seal Beach Classic Car Show

Car Show Gallery: The 24th Annual Seal Beach Classic Car Show

The town of Seal Beach, California has been holding this weekend long car show for nearly a quarter century! In that space of time, lots of stuff has changed, and in many ways for the worse. What has not though is the seemingly bred-in mentality amongst car guys and girls that getting out on the road in their car is super important. This car show draws a claimed 20,000 people to the smaee town each year and more than 500 cars. 

It is pretty cool to see a town embracing an event like this as a boon to their community. Often times we read about shows being displaced or events losing their venue. For nearly a quarter century Seal Beach, California has backed this event, and judging by the photos and reports back, there’s at least another 24 years to go!

Gallery: The 2011 Seal Beach Classic Car Show 

Stormy Byrd's Revelation! 

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