Check it out! Chris and Tera over at Max Cackle Photography were at this weekend’s H.A.M.B. Drags and sent over some photos for you to enjoy. If you haven’t been to the H.A.M.B. drags then you have to put it on your list. It’s grown to be way bigger than anyone ever thought, and we for one think that’s a good thing. Nostalgia drag racing, in any form, is arguably some of the best drag racing on the planet and you shouldn’t miss it. At the H.A.M.B. Drags they party on Friday night in the hotel parking lot, tell lies, get into trouble, and generally have good old fashioned car guy fun. Then on Saturday they get it on at MoKan Dragway.
We love the H.A.M.B. drags because of all the bitchin period correct stuff, although we do have to say that the fake patina thing is starting to become way way way too common among the supposedly hard core traditional guys, and the drag race action made us jealous since we couldn’t attend. Speaking of not attending. Who’s bright idea was it to have them on the final weekend of Bonneville Speed Week? Weird.
Chris and Tera sent us cool photos, and we’ve got samples below.
Thanks for showing the picture of my Chevy II. We had a great time at the HAMB Drags. Lots of cool people and neat cars. It’s the most fun event of the year!