
the car junkie daily magazine.


Event Coverage Re-Run: SCTA El Mirage July 2010

Event Coverage Re-Run: SCTA El Mirage July 2010

It’s LSR season and we’re gearing up for full coverage of east coast speed at Loring, Maine in a couple of weeks. Before we head up into the wilds of northern Main, we’ll share Chad’s great photos from the July SCTA meet held on the historic El Mirage dry lake. The conditions were sunny with a side of dust, which is a trademark of El Mirage. 

With lots of west coast racers getting their stuff ready for Bonneville next month, El Mirage served as a good tune up session and a place to test ideas that can be expounded upon on the smoother surface of the salt.

Dig Chad’s photos, there’s great shots of cars, bikes, hot rods, and a couple awesome tow/push trucks. If you are a lover of the Land Speed Racing scene, stay tuned to BangShift.com as we’re going to be at the events, bringing you the coolest and most up to date coverage available anywhere on the web!

LINK: Event Gallery SCTA July El Mirage

VW at El Mirage 

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