
the car junkie daily magazine.


Event Coverage: The Champ Performance And Fabrication Open House/Car Show in Tucson, Arizona

Event Coverage: The Champ Performance And Fabrication Open House/Car Show in Tucson, Arizona

(All photos by Joe Haber) If you get the opportunity to check out an “open house” car show at a shop in your local area, do yourself a favor and make the time to go. Unlike a lot of shows which seem to exist just for parking cars and mingling, the open houses give the business a chance to show off their wares and projects and often you’ll get a lot of the customers and their rides showing up to show off. Everybody wins! We’ve covered open house shows before, with Local Motors and Stacey David’s Rattletrap Studios coming to mind immediately, but when Bangshifter Joe Haber got tipped off to a local show in his backyard, he took his son and his 1966 Plymouth Fury over to investigate.


It’s a good thing he did. A quick investigation on our part shows that Champ Performance and Fabrication has a very happy clientele, and if the cars that showed up to the show are any indication whatsoever, they do some killer work. There’s a wide array of cars present. While some of these rides aren’t show-perfect, they were driven in. What pleases us is that there’s something out of every generation at the show, from hot rods to late-model muscle, from lead sleds to 1970s street machines.


Food, music and a live blacksmithing demonstration were all part of the show. The food was donated and the entire event was free. That’s how you kill an afternoon properly! Check out the photos below for more rides from the open house!

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CLICK HERE to see more photos!

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1 thoughts on “Event Coverage: The Champ Performance And Fabrication Open House/Car Show in Tucson, Arizona

  1. andrea

    This shop party is a ton of fun every year it gets better and better. I am so glad you were able to make it for your first one!!

    -The woman owner and builder of the “beater” duster with the 454

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