(Photos by Doug Garrison) – Pennsylvanian photo contributor Doug Garrison (and also the guy we bought Buford from!) spent days on end at the 2012 Spring Carlisle Collector Car Swap Meet and Corral. We’ll be bringing you galleries for days on end of all the stuff he shot and today we’re kicking it off with the first of two car corral galleries. Spring Carlisle is one of those events that still stands as a bell weather for the hobby and just how active people are going to be in the coming year. Well, despite everything going on in the world, Doug reports that the place was jammed packed with people, cars, and cool junk of all shapes and sizes.
In this first of two corral galleries, there is an amazing cross section of stuff. From Pro Street style Willys to vintage two trucks that we’d give a limb for, there bases are all covered. Scrolling through this gallery may be hazardous to your finances as we are dying to track a few of these cars and trucks down to add them to the “collection” here at BS eastern world HQ!
Hit the link below to check out the gallery of 160 photos!
Gallery Link: .