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Power Tour Guerilla Coverage: More Bologna, Tickets, and Bumper Stickers

Power Tour Guerilla Coverage: More Bologna, Tickets, and Bumper Stickers

The 2010 Power Tour is raging on and the BangShift reading population has kicked their submissions into high gear. There were fines, keys locked in cars, and rain drops, but spirits remain high and the good times continue to roll. The Cherry Bomb dudes were in rare form today as well. 


Sent by BangShift.com reader David Miller, June 8, 10:52PM

Photos from today’s Bowling Green venue. The Forum Freaks dinner was really well attended; food was great and the opportunity to put a face on a forum name was really fun. Chad and Daphne really laid out the hospitality; it was a great event that needs to be repeated next year. Thanks to them and RideTech for doing this. We also got a great Forum Freak group photo. Burn-outs almost (editor’s note: Almost?! Chad is FIRED) happened after that.  A great day, all in all.

Forum Freaks! 

The ladies behind the Bologna! 


Brett's making bologna 

Sent by BangShift.com reader Ed O’Shaughnessy, June 8, 11:10PM

Day 3, Springfield IL to Du Quoin, IL. The weather was gorgeous and the drive was uneventful to Mid America’s Lunch stop. The food was great, the vendor’s hospitality was exceptional! I really had a great time and stayed too long. I decided to take I-55 the rest of the way to De Quoin. Driving 70 mph I had a blow out on the left front tire in my S-10.Needless to say that was very exciting keeping it on the road.I changed the tire with the spare and it was a donut tire. God I hate donut tires. Just 5 miles down the road I saw an accident where a small SUV was hit and ran into the tail of a stopped semi. Not good, SUV ran under past the B Pillar. I missed my exit and ended up in Carbondale IL, I went apx 50 miles out of my way. I got to the venue at 5:30pm and made all the needed stops.I drove back to Carbondale for my motel, when I got to the Motel 6, I was informed  they were sold and did not have my reservation or a dozen of other’s PT guys too.This really made out day.Luckily we found room’s in Marion just 14 miles away. Day 4 started at Wal-Mart for a new tire, great drive to Bowling Green, great venue and RideTech and Chad put on one awesome cook out.We really had a great time and appreciate you, Chad, Daphne and especially RideTech!

Sent by BangShift.com reader David Rutherford, June 8, 11:15PM

We had a blast at the GM Vette tour, and walked till we puked at the fairgrounds, but the real fun was after we went to our room and got ready for some dinner, we were sitting at a light ( I have 450ish Rwhp ) there were 2 Harley’s behind us and a 66 Chevy II beside my camaro, the bikes started to rev there engines, so i rev-ed up mine ( quite Loudly :D) the Chevy chimes in. I look 2 cars behind the bikes and there is Bowling greens Finest! Oh NO! We had been raising serious hell at the light. about the time i finally see him, he flips on the lights.. OOPS  Then turns a U-ie and pulls over a SUV?! We all LOLed. There is a short story for ya. Dave PT10 

Dave's Loud Camaro


Sent by BangShift.com reader Rocky Bishir, June 8, 11:19PM

Here is my story: Wreckless driving ticket one turn after airport. $163.00 sweet.

(Rocky is taking donations for the ticket!)

Rocky and his ticket 

Sent by Cherry Bomb’s Matt Graves, June 9, 11:23AM

This just in from the choke and puke a top Mont Eagle. We got a bumper sticker for the Dodge.

The Cherry Bomber! 

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