
the car junkie daily magazine.


Show Gallery: The NEATTA Spring Tractor Pull and Antique Tractor Show

Show Gallery: The NEATTA Spring Tractor Pull and Antique Tractor Show

Our annual rite of Spring arrived just yesterday in the form of the New England Antique Truck and Tractor Association’s Spring Show and Pull. This year we had a twist on our visitation of the event. That was the big green twist known as Goliath, our 1966 C50 truck. It drew lots of curiousity and foot traffic during the course of the day. 

More importantly, there were lots of great tractors and a ton of guys beating the hell out of them on the pulling course. It was brand warfare just like you see at the drag strip. John Deere’s and Olivers, along with Internationals and Farm-Alls were all belching smoke and working for a full pill.  

Hit the link below to check out our gallery from the show!

Event Coverage: The 2011 Spring NEATTA Tractor show and Pull 

Great bumper sticker

An Oliver with the wheels up 

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19 thoughts on “Show Gallery: The NEATTA Spring Tractor Pull and Antique Tractor Show

  1. Anonymous

    Hey, awesome Bent8, don’t click on the link then. There are plenty of blog stories I don’t click on, I’m sure you could do the same.

  2. Bent8

    THE FACTS ARE THE FACTS. This ain’t Trackor Talk dot net.


  3. Bent8

    Yes and I shift my riding lawnmower, who cares? This is a topic best left for the website that cater to tractors. Or lawnmowers.

    Give it up. Tractors are not in PHR or HR, there’s a reason for that. If Brian digs tractors, great, let’s hope he doesn’t dig wearing women’s underwear, nobody wants to see that either.

  4. Anonymous

    I’m a true gearhead, I love all things mechanical. That includes old tractors. If you don’t like this, I’m sure you can find a site you like better. the web is a big place.

  5. diggersrule

    if it has a motor it belongs here,if you dont like it dont clicl it. i hate the 24hrs of lemons so i just skip it. easy as that


    This is about cool cars not friggin’ farm tractors. The site needs new direction at times, not all of it is cool. And one more thing, the new board is lame.

  7. Annoyed

    Bent…You are getting me bent. Don’t you have something better to do than bitch and moan? My 10 year old doesn’t whine as much as you do.

    If you have some real comment to make, or something to add, or an actual point, we’d love to hear it. Right now, your griping is like me sitting on here repeatedly saying I don’t like green cars. Everybody should stop making green cars. They sell less green cars than any other color, so I want them to stop making green cars. Most people don’t like green cars, so stop making them.

    That doesn’t make much sense does it? Would you want to hear me gripe like that all day? I don’t want to hear me gripe like that all day.

    So please, pretty please, stop griping just to gripe. Either be productive or leave the rest of us alone. I for one am tired of “listening” to you.

  8. WHO CARES 4

    Green CARS not friggin’ farm tractors. If I want to read up on green or any other colour farm tractors, yes, I’ll go away to a tractor site. This is a car site, with trucks and related, not farm tractors. What does it take for you to get this? Bring on the green cars all you want, that example is lame. Sorry for the dose of reality.


    As part of a recently completed site upgrade, readers are now able to comment on BangShift blog items without having to be BangShift.com forum members. We’re sure that there are thousands of you out there gnawing for the chance to tell us how wrong, dumb, ignorant, and lame we are, and perhaps a couple dozen who think we’re right on the money.

    You are 4 outta 4 on that last post of yours.

  10. Chad abd Brian's friend

    These comments against these two great men are totally uncalled for! They provide the news and help us everyday with our needs, how dare anyone attack what they represent and stand for, be supportive of these two guys, after all, if not for them and their hard work, we would not have this place to call home.

    Stop it now.

  11. BangShiftChad

    Who Cars, Mr. Obvious, Message to Annoyed, and Brian and Chad’s friend…thanks for the words. You do understand I can see your IP address and such when you comment right?
    It’s not good to have conversations with yourself like this.

    Get some sleep. LOL

  12. Bent8

    So now you cab come put behind the ANNOYED fake name. You took the bait, HOOK, LINE AND SINKER as planned.


    Bent 8

    Now go run and check the IP.

    L O L

  13. BangShiftChad

    Dude, you are one whacky man. This wasn’t supposed to be a pissing contest. You can have one on your own.

    We’ll leave you to talk to yourself.


  14. Bent8

    It’s about a car-related website devoting valuable space to farm tractors. I noted the audience here doesn’t care about them. It’s fact not fiction, or a pissing contest. Green cars? Go for it, I’d like to see a story on green cars and included would be Flying Dutchman, Castrol Force and Bernstein’s Q-State Buick NASCAR cars, plus whatever else.

    You’re the one that replied “annoyed” — yet the request to post states to tell it like it is basically. Maybe this is just a side-show from the fanboy message board, stay over there and you’ll get all the high-fives from the gang, time and time again.

    Bent 8

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