
the car junkie daily magazine.


Show Gallery: The Pomona Swap Meet – October 2011

Show Gallery: The Pomona Swap Meet – October 2011

And the hits just keep on coming! Bob Chiluk didn’t sleep all that much on his California adventure and here’s more proof. He was up before dawn yet again to shoot this gallery of photos at the vaunted Pomona swap meet. We’ve taken you here before, usually through the lens of Scott Liggett our man in SoCal. 

Part swap meet, part car show, and all pretty much neat, the Pomona Swap Meet should certainly be on the list of every Bangshifter to visit. Even if you aren’t in the mood to buy someone else’s wreck to start a project with, there are few things cooler than boarding a plane with a freshly bought tunnel ram tucked under your arm. You know, as a momento of your visit!

Hit the link below to see the gallery –



Bad ass VW at Pomona Swap Meet


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1 thoughts on “Show Gallery: The Pomona Swap Meet – October 2011

  1. Birdman

    NOT real sure if TRD ever built a 60’s wagon, but if they did… Very nice car; wonder how much he was asking?

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