
the car junkie daily magazine.


Tail Dragging, Pinstriped, Fat Fendered Goodness From Viva Las Vegas 2015

Tail Dragging, Pinstriped, Fat Fendered Goodness From Viva Las Vegas 2015

We have long been of the opinion that virtually any car can be made cool and in today’s world of hot rodding more and more people are getting on that bus. Case in point, look at the Chevy below. It is awesome and low, and wait, it has four doors! This thing would have been a parts donor or worse for someone a few years ago but now that we keep inching away from the days when these cars were new, ALL of the old iron starts to become precious. Heck, this car would have barely gotten scrap value not too long ago and now guys are pouring dough into them and making them rad. That’s the time frame we are in right now and that’s cool to us. Why shouldn’t the more mundane examples of stuff get saved and worked up, right? Wasn’t that what hot rodding was to start with.

In this blast of photos from Viva Las Vegas 2015 we have stuff that is pinstriped, stuff that is fat fendered, stuff that has two doors four doors, and some stuff we wouldn’t be caught dead in. Hey, even us guys at the bottom of the barrel have standards. They may be low but at least they’re ours!

viva las vegas 2015 cars039

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