Tom Bogner and the entire team at Lucas Oil have always been great supporters and sponsors here at But last week when we called Tom up, to talk about a bunch of new dyno tests we have in the works, we also hit him up for tickets to Round 10 of the Lucas Oil Off Road Racing Series at Glen Helen. He graciously said yes, but we had no idea what we were in for. If you live in California, Nevada, or Arizona, or are coming here to visit you have to come to one of these races. Holy crap they are bitchin’. Watching them on TV doesn’t show half the level of excitement that is going on at one of these deals, and we have photos to prove it!
When we got to Will Call for our tickets, we were blown away by the fact that Tom put us up in the VIP Hospitality area with food, drinks, and bitchin seats. Daphne and the kids were super stoked, so big thanks to Tom for scoring good old dad here some points. But, in addition to great digs, we had a great time watching truly amazing high flying action. These trucks and buggies are insanely cool to watch and you HAVE to go to one of these races. The pits are all open, there is great food and vendors, tons of giveaways, and autograph sessions with all your favorites like Brian Deegan, Jeremy McGrath, Carl Renezeder, Rob Maccachran, and Greg Adler just to name a few. And every seat in the house is a good one, with the track at Glen Helen featuring 5 BIG jumps, and at least that many smaller ones. The small jumps would ruin a rental car, and the big boys would kill you inside it. Don’t get me wrong, we are all over it if the guys at Glen Helen will let us out there. We want to race Off Road even more now that we’ve gone to the race.
Again, BIG THANKS to Tom Bogner, and the entire Lucas Oil Family, for not only hooking us up at the races, but for also being such a great sponsor here at
Interestingly, Wisconsin also has two off-road tracks, Crandon and Lake Geneva.
Years ago I went to the off-road races in Crandon Wisconsin, Freakin’ awesome!
This reminds me… I gotta take the kids one of these days.
The Class 5 trucks, or Trophy trucks are Amazing machines! And yes you need to be there to feel the thunder and see those hulks fly through the air.
Lake Geneva Raceway is closed.