Here’s one that will make you want to go home and drink in celebration of your own life and to be happy about the fact you aren’t a guy named Mike Harmon who races in the NASCAR truck series and has been accused of being involved with the theft of another team’s race hauler and all the contents inside of it. Harmon is loudly denying the charges in the media, on his Twitter page, and to anyone who will listen, but it seems like the authorities are convinced otherwise as they recently seized five race trucks and two Nationwide series cars that belong to Jennifer Jo Cobb’s race team. Harmon once served as a manger in Cobb’s operation and is apparently involved in legal wrangling over who owns the equipment, truck, and cars that Cobb had posession of until they disappeared into the night.
The estimated value of the stuff Cobb is missing stands at some $280,000, so this is a heavy duty crime that Harmon is being accused of having ties to. According to various news reports, deputies in the Mooresville, North Carolina area seized the two race cars and one truck from Harmon’s race shop and then went to a storage location he had control of and got the rest of the trucks. Since the investigation is still ongoing, police have been light in releasing details but it would seem that Harmon will have some explaining to do about how he came to have all of these race trucks, especially if their chassis numbers and other identifying pieces are found to link them with Jennifer Jo Cobb. On another note, is that the best female stock car racer name ever? Just throwing it out there….discuss on your own.
Adding another layer of souther fried awesome to this tale is the romantic relationship between Cobb and a guy named David Novak. Apparently Novak was the wallet behind Cobb’s racing operation and he claims that he sunk more than a million bucks into the team before it all went south. Guess which two guys are currently working together in a racing operation? Ding Ding Ding! You’re right! Mike Harmon and David Novak!
Novak has been after Cobb in the above mentioned lawsuit over the ownership of the team equipment. Cobb contends that it is all hers and Novak, claiming that he bought everything, thinks that he owns it. Since Cobb and Novak never had an actual contract or binding business agreement, all of this junk is just floating in the air until a judge decides who owns what.
Hey, this is us editorializing again, but what the hell happens to people when they have a big pile of money? Would any sane, rational thinking person look at their aspiring race car driver girlfriend and shovel A MILLION FREAKING DOLLARS into a race team with no legally binding paperwork or documentation to protect them? Seriously, this guy makes people who get their girl’s name tattooed onto their neck look genius. At least the tattoo can be altered, removed, or at worst left alone as a dumb investment of a couple hundred bucks. OVER A MILLION BUCKS!!! It really is mind numbing to think about it and actually write down what this guy did. Whatever Cobb brought to the table for Novak it must have been AWESOME.
Here’s a Mike Harmon quote regarding the hauler: [box_dark]”I don’t know where the hauler is, and I don’t want to know,” … “I just want to do my racing deal and let them fight it out court. They was in the relationship, this is their fight.”[/box_dark]
We’re going to continue following this story because frankly it is only going to get weirder and more juicy from here. This has all the elements to blow the Jeremy Mayfield story out of the water in terms of sheer wackiness, plus it won’t have the aftertaste of drug abuse sadness. Did Mike Harmon steal the truck and is that a hair piece that he’s wearing in the lead photo? Did David Novak have him do it? Will Jennifer Jo Cobb continue to climb the NASCAR ranks? Will the phrase, “racin’ deal” get used dozens if not hundreds of times in Harmon’s court testimony? Stay tuned in here to find out.
Until then, drink to the fact that you have WAYYYYY less problems than Mike Harmon does today! Bottoms up!
In my opinion, the stolen Race Cars should be donated to BangShift
You can take the trash out of the trailer park but you can’t take the trailer out of the trash.
Sounds like the makings of a Lifetime Channel movie of the week.
Mike Harmon was involved in one of the worst crashes I’ve ever seen in NASCAR. Crazy how lucky he was…
Micheal Waltrip did the same thing:
Maybe they’re not currently actually in a bar with naked women – but it’s all dancer mentality.
True story. Dancer’s roommate owned a boat, roommate went on a trip (oh, it was also the roommate’s apartment), rent was due and dancer owed the rent. Dancer told landlord he could have her roommate’s boat.
Good times
someone should show Tony Stewart this article and subsequent comments, maybe he would have second thoughts about supporting a no talent, back marker female driver…..
I need some stuff to finish my Southern Ground Pounder.Mike Harmon is innocent til proven guilty.Just drop it off in the trailer park here in Raleighwood;mums the word;
I have been wondering what the “backyard oil” people did with their money…Now I know.