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Good News: Tulsa Raceway Park To Remain Open

Good News: Tulsa Raceway Park To Remain Open

While the news from Kansas City remains bleak for the future of KCIR, there was very good news from Tulsa, Oklahoma, where a new operating agreement was signed to keep the track open for the foreseeable future. Two racers, Todd Martin and Keith Haney teamed up for form a new company called T&K Management, which will oversee the operation of the facility. The two are both long time racers and are committed to building business at the track.

The new management is currently working on the 2012 schedule but from what I have heard and read, they are looking to really use the facility as a multi-use venue with concerts, fairs, mud bogging, drag racing, and monster truck action. With both of these guys being as deep into the sport as they are, I think that they should be great stewards of the facility.

Tulsa Raceway Park is known for having one of the best racing surfaces in the entire country. The guys on Drag Week all came away from the place raving about it and I’ve announced IHRA events there where records were set. The place has come a long way in the last several years, so it made the intitial news of the track’s closing even more painful. 

Thanks to Todd Martin and Keith Haney for stepping up to save this strip! BangShift nation thanks you and wishes you all the best in 2012!


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