
the car junkie daily magazine.


Great News: Drag Race Central Is NOT Dead!

Great News: Drag Race Central Is NOT Dead!

Rumors of Drag Race Central’s demise were apparently greatly exaggerated, which is great news for fans of straight line action all over the world. We have received confirmation from DRC’s Rick Green that there will be live, round by round reporting from all NHRA national events in 2014 and the group is looking for sponsors to get involved with their coverage of divisional racing all over the country. Yes, there is some bad news here in the fact that it does not appear that the newly altered and revitalized IHRA program is not currently on the docket for coverage and that the guys are still trying to get backing for their coverage of divisional events, but we’re positive guys here and the fact that the crew will be at national events from sea-to-sea in 2014 is awesome.

As we told you the other day, the rumors were swirling that DRC was not going to be covering anything in 2014 and we were lamenting the fact that the site was not going to be providing the invaluable service of keeping the world up to date (nearly to the minute) of the results at races across the country. Green was on vacation and he got back to us the other day, altering the BS staff that the rumors we had heard were exaggerated. We were buoyed by the response around the interwebs after we dropped the (not so) bad news last week. Drag racing message boards lit up with pleas and well wishes for the DRC operation. It was a shot heard ’round the drag racing globe, literally. Lots of guys in Europe emailed to tell us that DRC served as their lifeline to keeping up with NHRA action.

As an announcer, I was bummed because the site rules to check in on and keep racing fans abreast of what’s happening when they are at tracks participating in other races. Thankfully we’ll continue to deliver spoiler alerts to eagle eared drag fans while calling other races after the NHRA season kicks up. We’re holding out hope that Green and his guys can rustle up the dough to continue their tireless coverage of the divisional series races as well because sportsman competitors thrive on that information.

Bottom line? Drag Racing Central ain’t dead and you’ll be able to “tune in” to their coverage through 2014 starting at the NHRA Winternationals in a couple weeks!

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One thought on “Great News: Drag Race Central Is NOT Dead!

  1. Burrhead racing

    Why-why-why? No-no-no! Pick up,pick up. Are you ready for 2014 with a new website etc.
    Do it now. Zero comments-what? This is not good. New input-new business model,new direction. DRAG RACING AMERICA or else?

    Mr. Green,
    Mike in Ottawa

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