No doubt that you’ve heard the stories of car club members or buddies banding together to help get a sick friend’s project done, but we’re betting they don’t usually get them done in 56 days from start to finish.. We were tipped off to a great story documented on featuring a group of Mopar enthusiasts banding together to finish the dream project of Elijah Ault, a man they essentially had never met before. The coolest part? BangShifters Gary and Pam Beineke were central to the whole project getting done.
The story began at the Chryslers at Carlisle meet where Mopart member Ralph Barbagallo met Ault and was struck by his attitude and outlook while he was battling cancer. The story resonated so deeply that he was immediately hit with the notion that he should do something for the man who was fighting with all his being to beat cancer.
Ralph sounded the horn and the volunteers and donors came running. BangShifters Gary and Pam Beineke offered up their skills and home shop to do the work in while dozens of other people and companies contributed whatever they could.
In the end they took a plain jane 1966 Dodge Dart 270 convertible and made it into a kick ass version of what a 1966 Dodge Dart Charger would have been had the car made it out of the factory.
You need to read the whole story over a Moparts to get the idea of just how big a deal this was, especially to turn it all around in only 56 days. That’s truly insane!
Awesome video of Eli receiving his transformed car!