
the car junkie daily magazine.


Horrific Street Racing Wreck Decapitates Staten Island Man

Horrific Street Racing Wreck Decapitates Staten Island Man

A 20 year old man was decapitated during a horrifying crash induced by street racing down Bay Street in Staten Island, New York. A passenger in the car escaped with his life but was burned and suffered other injuries. The car was going more than 100 mph according to reports, and when driver Phillip Boney-Scrivano lost the handle, it became an unguided missile that jumped a curb, wiped out a parking meter, tore into a pole, and then ended up flying into a gas station and starting a fire after tearing down a gas pump.

According to a story published in the New York Daily News, Boney-Scrivano was driving a 2009 Honda that he owned for one week. He had purchased the car in celebration of his 20th birthday. 

Looking at the Google Map below shows this road to be busy, full of side crossings, and sporting a kink in the middle. This kink is known by locals as “Dead Man’s Curve.” That was probably hyperbole before this wreck, now the name has actual teeth. 

Street racing is bad. Period, end of story. The Daily News throws the “drag racing” term around all through this story and as frustrating as it is to admit it, the rest of the world mentally thinks “drag racing” when stuff like this happens.

Our thoughts are with the family of the deceased in this senseless wreck.

Source — NYDailyNews.com —Philip Boney-Scrivano decapitated after race in Staten Island ends in firey crash 


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