Here’s one that should set the message boards aflutter. While working on the announcing deck of the Amalie Oil IHRA North American Nationals last weekend, we overheard top-level IHRA officials discussing a major change to the way red light fouls could be handled in the 2010 rule book.
We’re not sure if we’re even supposed to be publishing this, but it’s been a while since our last cease and desist letter, so what the hell?
The change involves moving the redlight infraction from the “first” column to the “worst” column. The driver recording the “worst” redlight would be considered the loser, as opposed to the driver recording the first.
This only really has implications in dial-in or bracket racing, as in any heads-up racing, the first redlight would have to be the worst light by sheer virtue of the fact that both cars were set to leave at the same time, so the guy who jumped the gun first obviously was also the “worst,” as in the one who redlit by the greatest amount of time.
With dial-in-based bracket racing, the slower car always gets the head start. If that driver red lights, then the faster car automatically wins based on the current rules where the “first” red light is considered the infraction. Even if the faster car turns on the red bulb, he still wins, simply because the other guy did it first.
The discussed change would allow the first driver to redlight, and then if the second driver were to red light by a larger margin, the driver who red lit first would be considered the winner.
The slow guys are pumping their fists with joy and the fast guys are saying, “WTF!?”
All we can tell you is that it was being discussed, and at length. No decision (that we know of) was made to write this in the book, but it would be a fairly significant change to the normal procedure of running races if this were to change. The timing system companies would be writing computer code to make this work for next season starting like now.
We’re not sending you elsewhere for more info, because we’re breaking the news!