Our pal Jon Clark is a freak. And we mean that in the best way possible. He’s a connoisseur of great BBQ, great hats, and cool rides and happens to hang out with the guys from Cherry Bomb quite a bit. That makes him a rockstar in our book. But we aren’t here to talk about Jon. We’re here to talk about his latest brain child, Van Jockey Magazine.
You see, when Jon was trying to come up with a plan for “hero cards” for his newest project, to hand out on Power Tour, he decided on a fake magazine cover titled Van Jockey. Jon’s A100 Dodge Van is ultra bitchin, and is a fitting sibling to Jon’s Cherry Bomber Pickup Truck that you’ve come to expect in the Cherry Bomb display at car shows around the country.
Unfortunately for Jon, we here at BangShift.com were not the only ones to fall in love with the A-100 and Van Jockey. But the good news for you is that we’re going to do whatever we can to help Jon bring VanJockey.com to the world. So, check it out at the link below and give your thoughts on what VanJockey should be. It’s your chance to help define the internet as we know it, just like you’ve already done here at BangShift.com!