According to stories reported on Yahoo! Sports and at, Jeremy
Mayfield now finds himself in a civil suit with his stepmother. Why? Because, after she testified against him in NASCAR’s case against him for drug use, he told ESPN, “She’s basically a whore. She shot and killed my dad,” and then went on to suggest that NASCAR had paid for her damaging testimony. It seems he made the same claims to several news outlets.
The stepmom, Lisa Mayfield, obviously claims that those statements are false and defamatory. The shooting death of Mayfield’s father had
been ruled a suicide by authorities.
The commencement date for Mayfield’s battle royale with NASCAR has been set, and it ain’t any time soon. September 13, 2010 is the first
possible date we will see courtroom action on this one. If the back and
forth sniping and weirdness can continue for that long, we’ll be
thrilled, but it’ll peter out at some point, we think.