John Fitch, automobile safety advocate, 1950s auto racing star, World War II aviator, and POW camp survivor is being hounded to bankruptcy by the state of Connecticut’s Department of Environmental Protection for having had a pair of 1,000-gallon Heating Oil tanks which had unbeknownst to him, developed leaks into the surrounding ground at his historic 242-year old Lime Rock home.
The 92-year-old Fitch, after determining that the tanks leaked, duly dug them up and had them replaced. Upon performing this task, he notified the Connecticut bureaucracy who in turn, have thrown the book at him, saddling John with massive costs for alleged hazmat mitigation! This comes on top of John’s burden of burying his dear and devoted wife. I talked to John recently and learned that the State of Connecticut is placing a lien against his home.
A fund has been established to help pay for the excavation and soil cleaning costs. Checks payable to “The Friends of Fitch Homestead Fund” may be sent to the Salisbury Bank and Trust Company, P.O. Box 1868, Lakeville, CT 06039.
You may like to join the mailing program by writing M. Jodi Rell, Governor, State of Connecticut, State Capitol, 210 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, CT 06106.
As Paul Harvey used to say. And Now! The Rest of the Story! Located here at