Well we didn’t see this one coming. After getting an email tip to check back in on the public dispute between a disgruntled Lamborghini owner and the performance shop that had upgraded the car with a turbocharger system, we were surprised to find that all of the statements made by the Lamborghini owner had been removed from the website where they were posted and his personal blog where he laid out the “issues” he was having with the shop has also been removed from the internet. Dallas Performance owner Taylor Sims has made a couple of posts on the thread showcasing the parts that Dallas Performance makes and that they use in their engine builds and turbo installs. Frankly, the stuff is nearly pornographic if you are a gearhead. We’re talking beautiful CNC made intake manifolds and all kinds of stuff, but we digress.
Here’s the statement that Taylor posted on the site www.6speedonline.com: Many of you have been asking what happened between Billy and Dallas Performance and I wanted to confirm that everything has been resolved. He has retracted the website and statements and we have made the best of the situation, and have both decided to part ways amicably.
In light of everything that has happened over the past week, I wanted to take the time to show that Dallas Performance has always taken pride in building some of the highest quality systems in the industry. From day one, we have sought to create a Twin Turbo Gallardo kit without equal on the market.
He then goes on with a couple of long posts full of photos featuring the components and workmanship that the shop provides customers. CLICK HERE TO SEE THE THREAD WHERE THE POSTS ARE — IT IS WORTH A LOOK
The way that this whole thing started to the way that it ended was an interesting case for sure. At first, it appeared that the shop had completely flaked out on the car and had really taken the owner for a ride. That lasted a day or two until Sims responded in a very levelheaded and measured way. The guy gets credit in our book for not just blowing his stack. He defended his side of the argument and seemed to have won some sentiment back among those that had read it. We kind of assumed that it would end there, but obviously it didn’t as the owner of the car has pulled his message board posts and the website. Does this mean he was completely wrong? Does this mean they reached an agreement of some kind? Does this mean it is the last we will ever hear of it? We have no answers for any of those three things.
Here’s the previous two parts to this story:
PART ONE: Lambo owner posts a blog taking a swipe at Dallas Performance for performing work he claims is shoddy and ripping him off PART TWO: Dallas Performance owner responds to accusations of bad work and failures
thought so….in my comments on the DP response I said that there was a whiff of bullshit to both stories.. the owner of DS , understandably, wants to protect his reputation – Billy basically go caught out bullshitting. Its one thing to sling shit to your mates but in the days of web blogs you’ll get caught out…
Other than a very protracted , lengthy , stressful and excessively expensive lawsuit this was the only plausible solution available to both parties
But I’ll take issue with John T’s comment . In reality it was this Billy wingnut that was full of it from the get go with DS simply stating their case in defense . As I said on my original post …. customers like Billy are the bane of the industry … any industry/business …. so if there’s any fault at all to be found on the part of DS it would be in their not recognizing who and what this Billy @$&hat was from the beginning and not cutting him off a lot sooner
To reiterate . Some customers simply are not worth doing business with and in fact will more than likely cause more harm than good in the long run . Billy Boy being the epitome of said customer
Hopefully for DS’s sake … a lesson now well learned … with luck not too late … and taken to heart well into the future .
To paraphrase Sun Tzu’s ” The Art of War “….. [ considered a ‘ business ‘ manual by many including me ]
‘ Many times a short term victory can become an overall loss ‘
Any publicity is good publicity! Just saying’…
A wise man once told me that there are 3 sides in cases like this, side a, side b…. and the truth
I know a fee of the guys at Dallas Performance and Taylor. I did several Lamborghini bumper kits for em when I worked for Stuart’s. All stand up guys who are passionate about what they are doing and put in way more effort than what gets added to the bill. As guitar slinger said, this Billy guy was full of shit. The main problem with customers of that $ is they all think they should be handled like celebrities. Usually they don’t realize when you do the caliber of work DP does said jack ass probably isn’t the richest customer they have. They treat all customers with respect and do the work they are paid to do in the order it comes through the door. Some people can’t handle that they aren’t important enough to skip in line.