Chad and I, along with our families would like to wish all our readers a very Merry Christmas. We hope that your day incorporates any of the elements that make this a great holiday. From the people, to the food, to the occasional surprise under the tree, there are many facets to Christmas. Doing burnouts can also be included in that list.
To those members of the armed services defending our country and protecting the freedoms that we hold so dear, we also wish you and yours the best on this Christmas. Your sacrifice for us does not go unnoticed by either Chad or myself and certainly not by the readership of
That’s all for us today. If you need us, we’ll be blowing donuts with one of the remote control cars we gave our kids!
(Oh, and yes, this is a photo taken of Lohnes’s Christmas tree)
Merry Christmas guys!
Merry Christmas to you guys as well and thanks for providing a place to hang out.
Sort of like a motor head day care center.
And I’d bet a Christmas cookie that tree ornament actually cranks up and runs!
Merry Christmas! And thanks Brian for running such a cool show here. BangShift really is the cat’s pajamas!
Merry Christmas Brian
Thanks for the greatest gearhead destination on the interwebs! Merry Christmas to all and to all a healthy happy hotrodrific 12
Merry Christmas and a Happy, Prosperous, Healthy, and Safe New Year to the guys and their families who give us the best site on the web!