Days like today are why I detest winter months. I wake up, I look outside and I see beautiful, clear skies, sun forever, birds attacking the feeders in flocks. It’s a reprieve from the wet, the cold, the gray suck that is post-holiday wintertime. And then I step outside, and some of my pilot training comes flying right back to me. Specifically, the part about understanding weather patterns, the part about how clear open sky during wintertime generally means that it’s going to be one cold mother outside because there is no cloud cover to trap the heat. One step out, things frost over, and I’m back inside in half a second nursing some hot cocoa like I’m eight years old all over again, thawing out after a day of sledding.
Days like this deserve to be warm, deserve top-down motoring, deserve a car that is purpose built to go roam and rip and make you feel alive. The Chrysler 300G is that car…this one for sure. One of the 1,961 cars produced for the year, this is one of 337 convertibles made. Chrysler today is a brand that’s dying on the vine…in the late 1950s and early 1960s, however, it was as swank as Auburn Hills could get without going full-on Imperial stuffy. And it was a runner, too, with the 413, the dual carburetors on the cross-ram intake manifold, and the TorqueFlite automatic. Ten years later, an RB/auto combination would be musclecar territory, but at the turn of the 1960s this was someone’s dad showing off because he had the cash to make it happen. Swivel seats, leather, that unbelievably cool AstraDome gauge pod staring back at you with electroluminescent aqua glow…yes, please.
Big-block bark, style for miles…it’s a droptop like this that leaves me counting the seconds until Spring finally starts to appear.
Rag top, swivel buckets ,413 cross ram ,red for miles and fins fins fins,THis is cool. And about the last of the over the top gaudy coolness that was the late 50’s and real early 60’s.Very cool . Some museum should have this,or me!
What did it sell for? 200 grand? It’s a beauty!