The announcement from NASCAR that Jeremy Mayfield tested positive for meth use came on the court house steps in Charlotte, North Carolina. Spokesman Ramsey Poston said, “We will prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that Jeremy Mayfield did violate the NASCAR substance abuse policy and tested positive for methamphetamines,” according to an AP story released today.
Mayfield has been contesting his suspension from NASCAR saying that he was on several perscription drugs that caused the drug test to come back positive. The case has now reached the U.S District court level.
NASCAR claims that they tested both of the samples they had from Mayfield and both came back positive. To their credit, until yesterday, NASCAR had not revealed the substance that Mayfield was suspended for using. They could have done so from the get-go, but waited until Mayfield’s attorney Bill Diehl tried to discredit them during his 45-minute argument in front of the court.
The judge had to attend a funeral, so NASCAR attorneys will make their argument tomorrow. Once again, it seems like Mayfield is trying to fight his way out of a corner here.
Click here for the full AP story.