
the car junkie daily magazine.


Nitrous Oxide Cited as a Major Threat to the Ozone Layer. Not Good.

Nitrous Oxide Cited as a Major Threat to the Ozone Layer. Not Good.

Here’s some news that sucks. Scientists have recently concluded that nitrous oxide is now the most “ozone depleting” gas in the air. Its use in cars is not cited as a problem (yet), but nitrous used in fertilizer and a couple of other industrial processes is now considered a major offender. This is still something that sends a shiver down our spine.

A recently completed study published in the journal Science concludes that CFCs have dropped off to their lowest levels in ages due to the ban on their use, which was instituted internationally about ten years ago.

The use of nitrous oxide as a performance product has not yet been mentioned in the stories we’ve read about this, but it is not going to take long for hot rodders to once again end up in the white hot light of the luntaic-fringe greenies who are sure to adopt this cause as their next crusade.

Here’s a story from Time Magazine on the issue.

Here’s a second story from Science Daily

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