
the car junkie daily magazine.


No PowerShift Tonight – Chad’s Been Thrown Into A Mexican Prison

No PowerShift Tonight – Chad’s Been Thrown Into A Mexican Prison

I gave the guy one simple job to do on vacation, well two actually. Job numero uno was to keep himself from getting thrown into a Mexican prison. Job number two was to smuggle a massive quantity of high grade narcotics back into the country. Not only did he fail on the first job, but he also failed on the second. Collateral damage from all this is that our weekly PowerShift show has been cancelled for the evening.

In all honesty, Chad and Daphne are on vacation down in Mexico and the internet signal is so weak down there we can’t get it working good enough, no matter how many chickens and goats we sacrifice. Do something productive tonight and we’ll be back next week with a full slide show of Chad’s vacation.

As for me? I’ll be at a cruise night with my pals!


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8 thoughts on “No PowerShift Tonight – Chad’s Been Thrown Into A Mexican Prison

  1. Beagle

    Guys, the chickens and goats have to be virgins. Hope this helps. See you next week. 🙂

  2. Scott Liggett

    Chad obviously didnt set up the internet on top of the Mayan pyramids. Even the ancients knew to talk aliens like Bruab you have to be above the tree line.

  3. C1BAD66

    Crap on a cracker! I really look forward to PowerShift each Thursday…

    ‘Read a cute sentence the other day. “It’s okay to hear ‘Jesus loves you’ unless you’re in a Mexican prison.”

  4. Whelk

    Darn, and after I skipped PowerShift last week in favor of watching some sports draft event.

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