The Association Of Car Enthusiasts (ACE) is a UK based group who’s purpose is to keep hot rodders on the other side of the pond up to date on government regulations that may effect their ability to enjoy their hot rods. Think of it like the SEMA Action Network, only more grass roots. Thanks to Jim Forbes, aka Squirrel on the forums, we found out about a big legislative mess that appears to be blowing up in the EU. According to ACE if this legislation makes it into law hot rods, customs, etc. will be banned from English roads. Engines, drivetrain, suspension, brakes, and all the other normal mods would be off limits.
We can’t imagine how something like this could possibly make it into law, but stranger things have happened and there are plenty of folks here in the U.S. that would love to have the same type of legislation. And unfortunately there are plenty of voters that don’t have a single clue and so they pay no attention and wouldn’t fight it. Anyway, enough about stupid people.
Below you will find the start of ACE’s latest post on the subject as well as a link to the rest of the story. To all our British and EU based BangShifters, let us know what we can do to help. Do we need to stage a rally? I’ve got some ideas you guys just might love.
ACE has always been of the opinion that modifying of vehicles would eventually end by the ability to do so being slowly eroded by small pieces of legislation rather than one single regulation. We have unfortunately now been proved correct with a single item before the EC parliament that will prevent any modifying and will, currently, render already modified cars illegal.
Without a large effort over the next 6 weeks this ’proposal’ will pass into law very shortly afterwards.
We have in our possession a questionnaire issued by DfT asking for views on the legislation and we feel it couldn’t make any clearer the end outcome. This is NOT a Consultation document as there are no active documents via VOSA or DfT relating to this legislation.
Quoting from the DfT document:-
The Commission proposes to introduce a definition for a roadworthiness test that components of the vehicle must comply with characteristics at the time of first registration. This may prevent most modifications to vehicles without further approval of the vehicle. (this will apply to many components and to all types of vehicle)
The Commission proposes to change the definition of an Historic Vehicle that may be exempt from periodic testing. This may allow vehicles older than 30 years to be exempt from testing providing the vehicle has been maintained in its original condition, including its appearance.
In the DfT interpretation it is all ‘proposes’ and ‘may’ . However, as shown later in this article, this IS going to happen unless a member of the EC Parliament forces reconsideration.
Normally a ‘proposal’ such as this would require a separate Consultation to be done with all interested parties. However this is not the case as this ‘proposal’ brings together various items already covered in previous Consultations. Again this will be dealt with in depth further on in this article.
The proposal itself:-
ACE and several other organisations who we work with will input to DfT but that alone is not enough. We need EVERYONE to be made aware and bring all possible pressure to bear to ensure this ludicrous ‘proposal’ does not pass into law.
As Scooby Doo would say, Rho Ro.
This reads as a deadly serious incursion on automotive freedom. And the fact that it only takes a “proposal reading” to pass in the EU Parliament validates my thinking that this “governing” body is no “parliament” but a fascist organization. Oh, is that rhetoric too harsh? Well, A, Europeans have lots of experience with that and B, what they’re proposing is as serious to me as tampering with the Bill of Rights would be.
As Barack is learning, there’s a reason why Americans proudly “cling” to their religion, guns. . . .and cars. Building and driving them is the very essence of liberty.
Thank God for the NRA defending 2A rights and I would suggest we pay a visit to SEMA’s website to show support and contribute if need be to continue protecting our automotive privileges.
PS. Consider your vote this November. I would be willing to wager that there are people/groups aligned with the Obama campaign that would think this law is a good idea. And mandating that we buy Chevy Volts would be right up there with the Obama Care insurance mandate. . .tax.
Really, I figured someone would try to blame Obama for this. Sure didn’t take long.
And hell yeah, I’ll consider my vote real carefully this November.
My business was needlessly shut down and my family was pushed into bankruptcy last year by one of the biggest of the mega-banks.
I’m a single-issue voter now, and I’m sure not going to waste that vote on someone who’s a product of that system.
Who initiated this proposed legislation?
Whomever it was, they are probably some type of politician… and if there’s one kind of enemy a politician has, its OTHER politicians.
We need to ID who is pushing this, and figure out who their opposition is.
And then fire up their opposition.
I suppose that the motor manifactures might have a hand in this aswell as tossa politicians, afterall they get to sell more boring shitboxes.
Caveman Tony’s advice is the best I have seen ! Could not have said it better!
The potential affects of this is massive. There are around 330,000 vintage, historic and classic cars in the UK, and it is thought around 50% are modified in some way (this does not include modern modified hot hatches) with an industry worth tens of billions of pounds per year in GDP to Britain.
This legislation could bankrupt me as a I have a kustom 1963 Ford Consul Capri for the weekend, and a highly modified diesel PT Cruiser that could become unusable overnight, and as I have many thousands wrapped up in these cars it cold finish me off.
It is thought this legislation is being led by certain EU car manufacturers who want to control the EU aftermarket parts industry worth many tens of billions of pounds per year. Imagine if this legislation makes it into law, your car manufacturers are going to look at the EU with envy and probably dream of having the same legislation in the USA where the aftermarket parts industry must be huge.