
the car junkie daily magazine.


It’s Over: Judge Drops Jeremy Mayfield’s Case Against NASCAR

It’s Over: Judge Drops Jeremy Mayfield’s Case Against NASCAR

Jeremy Mayfield’s case against NASCAR was dealt a potential death blow on May 18, when US District Judge Graham Mullen dismissed all claims against NASCAR brought on by Mayfield stemming from his May 2009 drug suspension. The ruling came as a bit of a surprise, and barring some sort of miracle, the case is done with, as is Mayfield’s racing career. 

We cannot say that we’re shocked he lost out on his fight in the end, but we didn’t expect the “out of the blue” nature of the ruling in NASCAR’s favor. It seemed the goal of “Team Mayfield” to drag the proceedings out as far as possible, we expected this to make it to trial or just to the brink or trial before someone blinked.

At the end of the day he saved the taxpayers the expense of a protracted trial. Now that this is over, will Mayfield be booted for life?  

Source — FoxNews.com — Judge Dismisses Mayfield lawsuit 

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