There’s nothing quite like seeing a guy build a killer project at home with his own two hands. BangShift member Weedburner has constructed one of the neatest RX7 V8 conversions we’ve ever seen and he took it way farther than the extra mile. By relocating the firewall, moving the motor way back, retaining the factory instruments, and no tubbing the car, he’s created one hell of a sleeper.
Starting with a love for 1960s gassers, whicn totally embodied the “tiny car/big motor” ethos and an RX7 he bought for fifty bucks, Weedburner set right to cutting the car up to position the engine where he wanted it. While not mandatory, moving the engine back will greatly improve the balance of the car and really help it to plant the rear tires. We respect the fact that the car is not and will not be tubbed.
The motor is a pretty basic small block that’s be receiving a small toot of nitrous. One of the things we like most about this little monster is the amount of thought and consideration given to all parts of the built, and the crazy level of executio it was pulled off with. This thing is cleaner than clean and the work is top shelf.
At no point does he officially reveal how quick and fast the machine it, but we’re guessing he’s shocked more than a few people at the strip and perhaps at far less legal venues as well. Hit the link below to see the whole build thread. It really is must see BangShifty reading!
Project Link: A well done V8 powered RX7