The Iron Trap 1933 Ford coupe project makes me happy. This thing sits right, is cool as hell, and will be super fun when it is done. But when they first started on it this sucker was a floppy mess! It has since gotten a trick flat floor, clean solid rocker panels, and some hinge tweaking to make sure the doors will actually open and close once this thing starts coming together. In order to get the doors working properly, even after handling the floors and rockers, there was some other body bracing needed in the rear of the car. You have to remember, these cars came from the factory with a lot of wood to hold the door openings, roof, and window openings together solidly, and these cars are now almost 90 years old. Yeah, they have every right to be a little floppy and worn out after all the things that have been done to them for this many years.
Thankfully Matt is all about bringing them back to life in as period-correct a fashion as makes sense, which is why this car is going to be so damn cool. Check out the video description below and then watch the video and let us know what you think.