
the car junkie daily magazine.


MAKING A Wood HAMMER Formed Firewall: Part 1 – BEADROLLING Can’t Do THIS! But You Can At Home!

MAKING A Wood HAMMER Formed Firewall: Part 1 – BEADROLLING Can’t Do THIS! But You Can At Home!

Hammer forming is one of the oldest forms of precision sheet metal forming. It’s how many early car body panels were made, and is the process that led to stamping of sheet metal parts. But the average person can’t build themselves a giant sheet metal stamping machine, and all the tooling required. But if you want to create your own body panels you can do that with a hammer form and some simple hand tools. Check out this video from Karl Fisher as he shows how to make a full firewall for a hot rod using a wood form that he build himself pretty easily.

I watched this video and it got me thinking about not only a firewall like this, which can’t actually be built with a standard bead roller, but also complicated floor systems in a hot rod. It got me thinking, that’s for sure.

Check out the video below and let us know what you think.

Video Description:

On this episode of Make It Kustom, I am working on a 1931 Model A Roadster. With our new engine and transmission in place, its time to build a firewall that suits the car and fits the engine. Since the build is largely inspired by the 1939 Zephyr in the shop, we are again looking for inspiration.

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