
the car junkie daily magazine.


Rust Repair and DIY Paint Job: Spray Painting A Car With Turbo Cans! Start to Finish Restoration Of A Rusty Crown Vic.

Rust Repair and DIY Paint Job: Spray Painting A Car With Turbo Cans! Start to Finish Restoration Of A Rusty Crown Vic.

It needs some rust repair, and that kinda sucks, but Carter knows what’s up with that part of this project. Watch, learn some stuff, and then check out the full repaint using Rustoleum Turbo cans. These big cans really lay on the paint! Would you ever consider painting a car with rattle cans? Have you ever painted a car with rattle cans? Let us know in the comments below.

Video Description:

Rust Repair, panel fabrication, dent repair, bodywork and a rustoleum turbo can paint job on an old P71 Crown Victoria.

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