Work continues on Dylan McCool’s 1973 Dodge Challenger project machine. While it’s been about a month since we’ve last heard from McCool’s garage, it’s also been the holiday season…it’s not too unexpected to have some down time away from the grinders and the wrenches during this time of year. That turkey doesn’t eat itself and sooner or later you need to step out of the shadows and start getting presents together for the big day. But that doesn’t mean that work on the E-body has come to a halt. Far from it…the boxes filled with new parts have been stacking up, the engine has been acquired, and it’s time to start putting Humpty Dumpty back together again.
You don’t even have to answer this question out loud, I know everyone’s answer already: “What’s the most fun thing about Chrysler products?” That’s right, kids, it’s rust. That four-letter word that turns sheetmetal into worthless garbage infects Chryslers easily, and E-bodies are notorious for the tinworm. While this Challenger isn’t too bad, that’s in proportion to normal…there’s still floorboards and a trunk that need new metal. Well, enough said…time to get to work!