
the car junkie daily magazine.


The Iron Trap Gang Fills Another Box Truck Full Of NOS GM Sheet Metal From A Barn In Virginia

The Iron Trap Gang Fills Another Box Truck Full Of NOS GM Sheet Metal From A Barn In Virginia

A couple of weeks ago the Iron Trap crew got an insane stash of NOS GM sheet metal from a barn in Virginia. Most of it was not their normal, but they knew it was too good not to save for someone that would need it to complete projects. When they showed all of the parts, they said there was a lot more they were going to go back and get as well. In this video, they go and get it and man is it impressive.


Video Description:

We are back in West Virginia, for our second trip to the hidden stash of NOS GM sheet metal. Last trip we ran out of time and space, and couldn’t bring it all home in one trip. This trip we are more prepared and brought Mike’s trailer along to give us plenty of room for parts. Matt and the crew get right to work and work together to empty the whole building of sheet metal. After the majority of the metal has been moved, Matt turns his attention to the stash of parts outside and begins to slowly make his way through the unorganized piles. After clearing the building and the outside, the crew heads to a second location not far away with a basement full of car parts. Unfortunately the basement has been filling with water and a few of the parts can not be saved. In the next video we are going to unload the box truck and start to sort through all the parts!!! Thanks for watching!!

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