
the car junkie daily magazine.


The Iron Trap Gang Stamped A Custom Firewall For The Ardun Powered 1933 Ford Coupe!!

The Iron Trap Gang Stamped A Custom Firewall For The Ardun Powered 1933 Ford Coupe!!

I’ve always been a metal guy, but never would have classified myself as a metal shaper. With that said, I’ve become a student of the craft and can’t wait to put some of the things I’ve learned in practice. One of those things is using a Pullmax still power hammer to stamp parts. In this case it is the firewall on the Ardun powered 1934 Ford that the guys at Iron Trap are working on. They have never used their machine for this kind of thing either, so it is going to be a cool project to watch come together.

Follow along as they build their jigs and figure out how the machine likes to be handled, and how good the end results will be. I love this stuff and it shows you just how much you can do with some simple forms and the right tools.


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