
the car junkie daily magazine.


Racing Junk Find: A Complete Kart Racing Operation

Racing Junk Find: A Complete Kart Racing Operation

Recently, a discussion popped up in our forum section about getting into road racing. Lots of great suggestions came up like SCCA IT classes, autocrossing, and taking a street car to open track days. One thing that did not come up though, was karting. There’s not greater bang for your racing buck than go kart racing. It is fast as hell, no frills, and pound for pound, it is damned cheap. 

To illustrate that point we found a complete karting operation up for sale on RacingJunk. This is the whole enchilada. Spare motors, parts, tools, bodies, axles, gears, tires, and on and on. Hell, this deal even comes with a helmet rack and the shooting match can be had for the asking price of $8,000 or if you are a needler, perhaps less.

While this isn’t a shifter kart, it is an awesome setup for someone to jump into and figure out what they are doing before getting into a more serious kart.

Racing karts teaches you how to maintain momentum, it teaches control, and really provides insane thrills because your ass is whizzing along about three inches off the asphalt at 100mph plus. Karting is huge in Europe and has been serious here in the US since the 1950s.

Want to get into road racing on the cheap? This is the way to go!

RacingJunk.com – Complete Karting Operation for sale 

Racing Kart

Racing Kart 

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