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Racing Junk Find: Killer 1963 Catalina Draggin’ Wagon

Racing Junk Find: Killer 1963 Catalina Draggin’ Wagon

We’ve featured more than a couple drag race station wagons on these pages before but none have been as decorated as this killer 1963 Pontiac Catalina Super Stocker wagon. The car ran at the lower end of the alphabet, and according to the seller, amassed a pile of records which may be unrivaled in drag racing.

The only deviation from the original look of the car is the paint which was changed by a previous owner. Other than that the interior is factory correct, and all the equipment that needed to be in place for the car to run in Super Stock is present and accounted for.

The motor is a 400ci Poncho that is sporting a one of a kind Mickey Thompson cross ram and two carter AFB carbs. The seller claims that it makes 525 hp. The motor is backed by a Turbo 400 and Dana 60 rear end.

We don’t know what it runs in modern trim but check out the ad for some of the record certificates from the NHRA and AHRA. They are a neat window into the past.

Oh yeah, we mentioned this car as having held lots of records. According to the ad it held onto one record for an incredible 14 years! Note some of the photos and how many years it was a record holder. The car also supposedly won 37 straight divisional points races (we’re guessing in class eliminations).

Of all the wagons we’ve thrown up that make good on the asphalt aisle, this one is probably our favorite.

Source — RacingJunk.com — Multi-Time NHRA Record Holding Catalina Wagon

1963 Catalina Drag Wagon

Cross-ram 400

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