After spending the weekend immersed in the WCHRA action from Bakersfield, we thought we’d go door slammer shopping. We found a totally bitchin’ blown 1955 Chevy Pro Mod for sale that is 100% approved. Were it not for the slight financial gap of several tens of thousands of dollars, we would totally own this thing.
The car has led and interesting and pampered life. Originally constructed in 1995, it only made 6 competition runs before becoming a demo car for Jerry Bickel’s chassis school. The ad claims that the shoebox has been updated with moden parts and pieces and the motor has all the good junk (including a Darren Mayer tweaked blower).
There are far more aerodynamic bodies that can be used to run Pro Mod, but the 1955 Chevy is one of the foundation looks for the class. Charles Carpenter, Dave Riolo, Bob Bunker, and others raced overpowered, under-chassied, monsters in the 1980s and 1990s, creating the Pro Mod madness of today.
This flamed ’55 would be hella fun to drop the hammer on.
Source — — ’55 Chevy Pro Mod