Ken Nelson, one of the greatest wheelstander drivers in drag racing history has passed away. Best known for his last and probably greatest creation, the “Cool Bus”, Nelson ran several different wheestanders throughout his career including the North Coast Flyer, a wild small scale Kenworth truck. He also drove the famous “BackUp Pickup” which, as the name implies was a truck that went down the track with the cab at the rear and the bed up front.
I had a fair amount of interaction with Ken as he ran a lot of IHRA races in years past and the Cool Bus was always a show stopper. He ran that thing all over the country at tracks big and small with his wife Anita. With a blown big block Chevy engine in the back and Nelson sitting essentially midship in the bus, the front end would come up at the hit of the throttle and the giant machine would work down the track into the high 12s at about 100mph on the rear tires. It literally looked like a building headed down the track. At night, he had a killer fireworks display that went off as he motored down the strip, adding to the show.
Literally millions of people watched Ken Nelson ply his trade over the years and undoubtedly most of them remember his creations, which ever one they watched. The Cool Bus was in a class by iteself, though. Track promoters would build radio ads around it and use the vehicle as a true centerpiece of a show. To be brutally honest, this sucks out loud. I love wheelstanders and part of that comes from the first time I ever saw the Cool Bus, back when I was a kid.
One of drag racing’s true master performers is gone and the sport is lesser for it. I hope Ken is hanging the hoops at the big strip in the sky right now. The thoughts and prayers of the whole BangShift family lie with Anita Nelson, who is obviously dealing with the loss of her husband.
Here’s Ken and the bus in happier times –
RIP Ken. He and his wife were very friendly people to visit with at the drags. Great showman.
We all know that nothing and no one lives forever, yet it is still sad when those we love and/or revere are taken from us. The world suddenly seems a bit more empty.
Ken gave Ford a shot at corporate recognition with the “BackUp Pickup”. The “Little Red Wagon” was a Dodge A-100 P/U, while Ken’s ride was an Econoline P/U. Very cool to see, though I don’t remember if they ever match-raced.
Watched match race between the 2 at
Wichita Kansas track in 1967.
I remember Connie Swingle was driving
the backup pickup that night vs bill Golden
in the Little Red Wagon.