A couple in Boardman, Ohio has been indicted by two grand juries on charges that they stole parts from the GM plant in Youngstown and sold them on eBay. Reportedly, police found over 4,400 vehicle emblems in the couple’s home during a recent search. The estimated value of what they had in “inventory” and what they already sold is a staggering $200,000!
In a twist that strikes us a weird, the horde found at the house of the alleged criminal couple was made up almost entirely of emblems that would have been found on the lowly Pontiac G5 and the slightly less lowly Chevy Cobalt. Reportedly, there were thousands of “SS” and “Turbocharged” emblems intended for Cobalts.
The couple was making their money selling the parts that police alledge Dennis Bruner stole from the plant. His wife Jaimie, according to police was the sales end of the operation, moving the merchandise through eBay. We’re kind of shocked that there’s a market for that crap. Let alone one that would benefit some nefarious jerks well into the six figure revenue range.
In the event that there are convictions and jail time in the case, which we suspect that there will be, we’d hate to have to answer the inevitable question, “So, what are you in for?” Responding with, “Selling stolen Cobalt emblems on eBay,” would most likely earn you an epic beating or worse.