A couple weeks back we told you about the eBay auction for a Fast and Furious movie clone of David Freiburger’s F-Bomb Camaro that sold for $27,500. Shortly thereafter, another clone hit eBay and we were hot on following its progress with bidders.
Funny thing is, there wasn’t much. For whatever reason, this second fake F-Bomb commanded nowhere near as much as the other fake F-Bomb. Actually, it commanded nothing, as there were zero bids made.
Maybe it was the extra fake nose art, duplicate fake no-sack small-block, or fake fakey fakeness that did not get bidders hearts pumping. Or perhaps people knew that the seller had hijacked photos of the real car (shown) for the aution and thought something was fishy.
Think they’ll re-list? Has F-Bomb mania drawn to a close? Think Freiburger will give us the car because “everyone has one now”? We’ll ask and let you know how that works out for us.
The link to the auction will go away soon, but for now, click here to see it.